Our curriculum aims for our students:
- To become skilled and confident practising a range of art techniques using a variety of tools and media whilst building a resilient attitude towards artistic creations and perceptions.
- To develop a sense of belonging to a world where they are exposed to a variety of art. To enquire and respond to the world around them with creativity and to understand how art and design reflects and expresses our culture and history and helps shape the future.
- To have the confidence to communicate through the use of art; to reflect on their own work and the work of others, making judgements, developing opinions and recognizing their progress.
Art is taught as an explicit subject throughout the school and lessons follow a structured approach, as delivered by staff inset. Lessons begin with an enquiry period where children can explore, experiment and talk about the media they are using in that lesson. After that, lessons progress onto an ‘observe and expose’ period where children are given the chance to look at the artwork of other artists, objects, themselves or landscapes. During this time, children can practise their looking and observational skills, communication techniques and have the opportunity to respond to the situation.
Lessons then move onto studying or practising a skill or particular technique from the progression document; this part of the lesson can sometimes be built upon over several weeks so that the children can explore their artistic approach, improve their skills and adapt their work before finally creating the end piece of artwork.
At the end of each lesson, teachers aim to provide some time for the children to respond and reflect on their own work and the work of their peers. They get the chance to make comments, either verbally or written on a post-it note, which reflects their opinions and ideas about what they can see.
Art work is very much valued in our school and is regularly celebrated through displays, yearly art days and art weeks. This gives the children a chance to see everyone’s artwork across the school, talk about the art they find interesting and feel proud of their own achievements.
The impact that art delivery has on our children is very clear. The children at Northgate Primary school:
- value art as one of their favourite subjects. They speak highly of the art lessons, the variety of skills taught and media we use and the effects art has on their well being.
- talk confidently about how they feel art is ‘a therapy’, how ‘happy’ it makes them and how art gives them a chance to be ‘creative and release their creativity.’
- can be seen in corridors looking at their artwork and talking to their friends about what they find interesting, what they like and how the work makes them feel. This work is memorable and relevant for our children’s broad development.
- extend their vocabulary because of the wide variety of language used during art lessons.