
What is cultural capital?

How Ofsted defines it

Ofsted added the term 'cultural capital' to the inspection handbook in 2019. In paragraph 237, it defines it as:

‘... the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’

Ofsted Chief inspector Amanda Spielman said cultural capital should be “a golden thread, woven through everything you do to teach children well”. We achieve this at Northgate Primary by giving children rich opportunities to broaden their learning and develop as responsible and informed citizens through a range of activities and events linked to the ‘Golden Threads’ of our own curriculum.

The table below gives a summary of what children experienced during the 2023/2024 academic year. Many of these events will be repeated this year and we are always looking for opportunities to extend this offer.

Map of Curriculum Enrichment/Cultural Capital – Northgate


Sense of Belonging

Confidence in Communicating

Developing Resilience


Festivals from around the world

Minibeast roadshow

Bus trip in GY

Neurodiversity week

Christmas Performance

Whole school singing- mental health week

Science week whole school celebration

Visit from emergency services

Golden Mile Charity fund raising (Jolly Jog)


Visit from local vicar

Visit from babies and toddlers (Families and Growing topic)

Stay and Play

Local farm/zoo visit

Assembly with local vicar

Neurodiversity week

Whole school Kingfisher Art - viewing work of others

Weekly reading buddy sessions

Festivals from around the world

Christmas Performance

Digital Sharing Afternoon

Whole school singing- mental health week.

Ben Langley Space assembly

Science week whole school celebration

Weekly reading buddy sessions

People who help us topic

Family minibeast hunt

Golden Mile Charity fund raising (Jolly Jog)


Exploring the four seasons, cemetery visit wildlife habitat)

Parents and grandparents share their toys

Litter legends

Assembly with local vicar

Neurodiversity week

Whole school Kingfisher Art - viewing work of others

Weekly reading buddy sessions with Y3

Christmas performance to parents

Eco council/ school council

Whole school singing- mental health week

Ben Langley Space assembly

Science week whole school celebration

Weekly reading buddy sessions

Famous explorer topic

Golden Mile Charity fund raising (Jolly Jog)


Visit from a Rabbi

Visit to Gressenhall (Evacuees)

Music from different cultures

Assembly with local vicar

Neurodiversity week

Whole school Kingfisher Art - viewing work of others

Christmas performance to parents

Eco Council/School Council

Whole school singing- mental health week

Ben Langley Space assembly

Science week whole school celebration

Weekly reading buddy sessions

Police officer visit

GY Sports events

Golden Mile Charity fund raising (Jolly Jog)

Safety Seymour visit.


Time and Tide visit (re local fishing industry)

Caister Lifeboat Visit (lifeboats then and now)

Art Competition – design a posy for the jubilee/Christmas bauble (Norfolk Schools)

Design a Christmas Mug (local competition)

Our Human Rights

Litter legends

Assembly with local vicar

Neurodiversity week

Whole school Kingfisher Art - viewing work of others

Willow weaving heritage project.

Eco Council/School Council

Christmas performance to parents

Whole school singing- mental health week

Space workshop

Science week whole school celebration

Weekly reading buddy sessions with Y1

Sing up- sign language in signing assembly

Design a book character (spoons) local competition.

Languages of the term assemblies

Make a moving Ferris wheel (in conjunction with East Coast College)

Visit to the library

GY Sports Events

Golden Mile Charity fund raising (Jolly Jog)

Norfolk Cricket Coaches

Step on it Pedestrian Safety


Network Rail Safety Video and Chat


Local Farm visit

Local dentist visit- oral hygiene (links to science teeth and digestion   Autumn 1)

Time and Tide visit (Romans)

Waterways visit

Art Competition – design a posy for the jubilee/Christmas bauble (Norfolk Schools)

Litter legends

Assembly with local vicar

Neurodiversity week

Links with Prime Yarc- art events and displays

Whole school Kingfisher Art - viewing work of others

Art trip to the Sainsbury Centre

Dentist Visit

Eco Council/School Council

Christmas performance to parents

Whole school singing- mental health week

Science week whole school celebration

Weekly reading buddy sessions

Sing up- sign language in signing assembly

Mental Health Awareness Day - Song

Golden Mile Charity fundraising (Jolly Jog)

Step on it Pedestrian Safety

Aylmerton Residential

GY Sports Events

Norfolk Cricket Coaches - After School Club

East Coast College Link

Bikeability Training



Visit to West Stow

Plastic Pollution topic – beach clean

Litter legends

Tudor visit to Norwich

Assembly with local vicar

Neurodiversity week

Whole school Kingfisher Art - viewing work of others

Whole School Days - World Book Day, NSPCC Number Day,

KS2 choir opportunities


Eco Council/School Council

Christmas performance to parents

BBC Symphony Orchestra Project

Police online safety talk


Whole school singing- mental health week

Space workshop

Science week whole school celebration

Weekly reading buddy sessions

Sing up- sign language in signing assembly


Golden Mile Charity fund raising (Jolly Jog)

Step on it Pedestrian Safety

Bikeability (some Y5)

GY Sports Events

Norfolk Cricket Coaches

Local police visit/online safety talk

East Coast college careers visit

Stemillions Science club for girls

INTU University visits


Victorian Topic – Time and Tide/National Archives

Litter legends

Assembly with local vicar.

Neurodiversity week

Whole school Kingfisher Art - viewing work of others

Science Week - Marble Run Competition

World Book Day

NSPCC Number Day

Choir Opportunities

Y6 SATs Tutoring

Eco Council/School Council

Christmas performance to parents

Y6 Leadership roles

Into University History Focus Week

Into University Transition Workshop

Police online safety talk

Whole school singing- mental health week

Science week whole school celebration

Weekly reading buddy sessions

Sing up- sign language in signing assembly

Aim Higher Writing Event (North Denes)

Golden Mile Charity fundraising (Jolly Jog)

Step on it Pedestrian Safety

Norfolk Cricket Coaches

Coding Club

Y6 leadership Roles

Local police visit/ online safety talk

Caister Academy Transition Workshops in English and Drama

Norfolk Lakes Residential

GY Cluster Sports Teams, matches/tournaments

General election style debates/election

Listening to campaigners

Visitors to have in- speak to key stages

assemblies- Northgate greats