Attendance and Holidays

First Day calling is operated in this school and registers are checked regularly by Norfolk Local Authority and our Attendance Officer Miss Kimberley Sheldrake.    Attendance is monitored and children are expected to achieve at least 95%. Termly reports are sent home and those who cause concern will be contacted. Admin staff do check and follow up absences and statistics are sent to the DfE.

If your child is absent due to sickness please allow 48 hours between the last sign of symptoms and bringing your child back to school, otherwise we could have an epidemic.

Holidays are no longer able to be authorised during term time.

A leave of absence can only be granted in exceptional circumstances and must be requested in writing.

If your child is late, you will need to sign him/her in at the school office (Health & Safety Fire Regulations).

You will be contacted every day that your child is absent if the school has not been notified.

Please be aware it is YOUR responsibility to inform us of any absences.

Please also have a look at our Attendance Policy.


Please consider

While you are away for one week your child will miss approximately:

~Five hours of Maths

~Five hours of Literacy

~Ten hours of science, religious education, music, art, PE, geography, history, design technology, information technology.

If your child has a holiday of two weeks during term time and has one week of sickness in one school year they will miss:

15 hours of Literacy, 15 hours of Maths, 15 hours of learning other subjects.

If this pattern were to be repeated throughout your child's school life they would miss 36 weeks of their education.

One school year = 38 school weeks!

Ask yourself:

Can my child keep up with other children if they miss out on all of this education during the year?

Thinking of taking a holiday in term time?

Please think again!

Unauthorised holidays if taken become unauthorised absences. Section 7 of the Education Act 1996 places a duty on all parents to ensure that their children receive an efficient, full time education. Parents who are seen to fail in their duty can be brought before the Magistrates Court where a maximum £2,500 fine and/or up to a three month prison sentence can be imposed.

We operate Norfolk County Council fixed penalty fines policy for anauthorised holidays.