Cosmic Corner

Welcome To Cosmic Corner

Has your child ever talked about Cosmic Corner? I bet the first thing they mentioned is that we eat toast! Well, believe it or not, we actually do quite a lot more than that (admittedly we do eat a fair amount of toast as well!)


Lucky, Lucky, Lucky!

Do you know how lucky we are to be able to offer a Nurture Class like Cosmic Corner at our school?

At Northgate Primary we pride ourselves on being able to offer a nurturing environment for all of our children. We provide children with a consistent approach and clear boundaries for what is acceptable. We recognise our children as individuals as well as part of our school. However, some children may find it difficult to reach their potential in a large class. Occasionally even simple day-to-day routines of a large class can be totally overwhelming and it becomes a struggle for them to gain the success they deserve. Our Nurture Class, Cosmic Corner, is an early intervention designed to offer children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 the opportunity of working in a much smaller class (a maximum of 10 children) with a high level of support from an experienced Nurture Leader (Mrs Blackett) and a Nurture Class Assistant (Mrs Mason) who have both completed nurture training. Mrs Young, the Assistant Head, co-ordinates our nurture provision.

What can we offer?

We can offer your child the opportunity to develop the processes involved in learning at a pace which is suited to him/her. In Cosmic Corner the National Curriculum and Foundation Stage Curriculum will be taught whilst also emphasising the important roles of:

  • Talk
  • Exploration
  • Social Skills
  • Play
  • Development of curiosity
  • Practice
  • Making links in their own learning (using memory)
  • Making secure attachments 

These skills are taught in a structured environment which provides a high level of adult input and feedback by two positive role models (Mrs Blackett & Mrs Mason).

Lunch times...

Every week Cosmic Corner is open on two lunchtimes to support children currently in the group or children who have previously been a member. These children are welcome to come in to chat, read or draw as an alternative to playing outside. It gives us the opportunity to continue to make those important positive relationships in a relaxed atmosphere and have a bit of fun!

We are here for you!

We like to think we are very approachable in Cosmic Corner and are always available for a chat about your child. We both have children ourselves and fully appreciate the difficultiesand challenges that a family can bring!


Nurture in Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2 children are given pastoral support in the afternoons when their teacher identifies the need. The focus of this support is to equip children with the skills they need to successfully access learning. The intervention is delivered in the child’s lesson by a pastoral support teaching assistant who is highlighting and teaching key skills as the lesson progresses. Children then review their success and next steps with the pastoral support staff at the end of the afternoon.