



It is our intention for our pupils to recognise the importance of Science in everyday life.  We intend to foster the natural curiosity of our children and provide them with the skills to become enquiry-based learners. 


To develop their sense of belonging through collaborative activity and teamwork. To understand and appreciate the natural processes in the world they belong to and encourage respect for other living organisms.


To develop confidence in communicating through our emphasis on promoting questioning skills and the use of scientific vocabulary.


To develop a resilient attitude through having the confidence to express their ideas, make predictions, and accept that things won’t always turn out the way we plan or expect when following lines of enquiry.



All pupils in KS1 and KS2 have a weekly Science lesson.  Our year group planning is based upon the programmes of study from the Primary National Curriculum.  PLAN materials are also used to support planning.  In Nursery and Reception, scientific knowledge and early enquiry skills are taught through ‘The Natural World’ ELG.


It is very important that scientific knowledge and skills are built upon as the pupils move through school.  Our progression document for Science clearly presents the learning taking place in each year group for each topic and allows teachers to effectively plan for progression and be aware of next steps.  ‘Explore, Engage, Extend’ resources are used at the start of each new unit in KS2 to allow teachers to assess pupils’ prior knowledge and identify any common misconceptions which can then be addressed through planning.


Every classroom has a Science display board which is used to promote key vocabulary and concepts for the unit being taught.  


Scientific enquiry underpins all scientific learning in school.  Enquiry symbols from the Primary Science Teaching Trust (PSTT) are used to provide a visual cue for the children.  These PSTT symbols are also linked to the enquiry objectives in the progression and assessment documents.  ‘Teacher Assessment in Primary Science’ (TAPS) activities are used to assess specific enquiry skills if this is needed. 


At Northgate Primary school we join in with the national celebration of British Science Week (BSW) each year in Spring 2.  All year groups are provided with activity packs, Science-themed assemblies are held, and a whole-school competition is organised.

On a three-yearly cycle, we also have a week-long celebration of Space in Spring 1.  We hire a mobile planetarium for all the children to visit, have visits from Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers (LYRA) who lead workshops for the children, hold a family Science session after school with a variety of workshops being held across the year groups, and a Stargazing evening lead by LYRA.

We have run a Gardening Club after school, and also ‘Stemillions’ clubs for girls in KS2 with an interest in Science to highlight current female scientists in the world of work.


All teachers have access to the STEM website and have participated in courses offered by STEM Learning 2022-24.  Whole-school insets are arranged each year to highlight key issues, provide staff training and support development of the subject.



Pupils at Northgate Primary have a great enthusiasm for Science.  Through the planning and delivery of the Science curriculum, the children at Northgate Primary School are:


  • curious and enjoy working practically to investigate questions and find answers.
  • collaborative learners who are able to share their ideas and co-operate with their team when investigating.
  • confident to talk about their learning and work well to use the new vocabulary they have been taught.
  • always keen to find out more and gain a deeper understanding.  Their effective questioning skills are often commented upon by STEM visitors to the school. 


Science is a popular subject within our community and we endeavour to capitalise upon this by providing additional opportunities and organising events for the wider community.  Science-themed events are always very well-attended and popular with families.  Whole-school competitions during Science Week and Space Week always receive lots of entries from across the school.