Welcome to Sunflowers

Important information regarding September 2024 Sunflowers admissions

Consultation on the proposed discontinuance of nursery provision for 2 year olds


Sunflowers is integral part of Northgate Primary School. When you join our nursery you join our wider Northgate community.

Starting Nursery for the first time is an important and exciting moment for children and their parents. In most cases it is the first-time children enter the wider world without their parents and start to become a little more independent. We understand that this can be exciting but a bit nerve wracking for everyone involved. Our aim is to support our families to manage this transition effectively. We have a tried and tested transition plan which will enable you and your child to feel confident and happy about starting nursery.

We aim to make nursery as much fun as possible by following The EYFS Statutory Framework. Learning through play and exploration is key. Your child will be allocated a key worker who will oversee your child’s learning and development.

As part of Sunflowers, we have access to the wider school. This means we use the school library and have PE with a qualified sports coach twice weekly in the school hall. We join in with all whole school events.

Sunflowers Nursery currently offers provision for children aged 2, 3 and 4. The main in-take for Nursery is the September however providing we have spaces we take children in January and April as well.

Our learning Environment


The children are able to access resources around the classroom independently to support their own learning and play.



The children have full access to our amazing outdoor learning environment every day.


Keeping you informed about your child’s learning

Each half term we send out an overview sheet that tells you what our learning will be for that half term. We will give you ideas for helping your child at home with their learning and development.

We aim to keep you well informed about your child’s learning. We do this through the Tapestry online learning journey and aim to upload at least 1 observation of your child each week.

Each week we will send you via Tapestry a brake down of our learning for that week with videos and ideas for supporting learning at home.

Every term you will be invited to sign up for parent’s evenings to discuss in more detail your child’s learning and development.

Staff will always be available to talk to at the start and end of the sessions for any queries.

Meet the team

Mrs Adelle Meek   Early Years Lead

Mrs Jo Freeman   Nursery Teacher and school music lead

Mrs Bobby Smith   Nursery Teacher

Mrs Elciane Oliveira Nursery Teaching assistant

Mrs Sarah Covell-London Nursery Manager

Mrs Vicki Baker   SENDCO

Nursery Session Timings

Parents have the option of applying for the following nursery sessions in our nursery:

  • 15 hours a week morning sessions - 5 morning sessions from 8.30am – 11.30am
  • 15 hours a week afternoon sessions - 5 afternoon sessions from 12.15pm-3.15pm
  • 30 hours a week all day sessions - 5 daily sessions from 8.30am- 3.15pm
  • Lunches – 11:30 am - 12:15pm

If the eligible funding available (15 hours or 30 hours) has been fully utilised, parents of children attending may extend their child’s session by 45 minutes by purchasing an additional 45 minutes of child care for lunch at an additional cost of £3 per day.  You are also able to order your child a school lunch at an additional cost of £2.50 per day.

If you require a different childcare pattern, please request this in writing on the application form. This will be subject to availability.



To understand what funding you are eligible for and to see how the funding is changing in the future, please go to https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/ 

15 Hours Free Childcare

Every child over the age of 3 is eligible to 15 hours a week free childcare.   Parents of children who only attend nursery for a morning or an afternoon session do not have to pay anything for their nursery sessions.

Some eligible parents of 2-year-old children may also be entitled to 15 hours childcare support. This may be available for eligible working families in England and for families in England, receiving some additional forms of government support. Please refer to https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/ 

30 Hours Funded Childcare

Your eligibility for 30 hour free childcare will depend on a number of factors based on:

  • if you are working
  • your income (and your partner’s income, if you have one)
  • your child’s age and circumstances
  • your immigration status

To check if you are eligible, go to www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare

Parents who are eligible will need to apply for the funding from the government at www.gov.uk/apply-30-hours-free-childcare .  If you are eligible, you will be given a valid code which will be required by the school.  You will also have to reconfirm your eligibility every 3 months through a simple online process.  The school will remind you of this too as failure to reconfirm your eligibly will impact your 30 hours free childcare.


Places at Sunflowers Nursery are sought after. If your child’s attendance in nursery falls over an extended period of time, we will contact you to find out the reasons for the drop in attendance and to find a way forward.


Sunflowers Nursery uniform is available to buy at Harrisons Schoolwear uniform shop. However uniform is not compulsory but the children should be in comfortable clothes that they can manage themselves when they go to the toilet. During their learning children will get messy so please be aware of this when you dress your child for nursery. All clothes and shoes should be named.


What do they need?

  • Children should bring a named water bottle to each session.
  • Nappies and wipes if needed
  • A change of clothes should always be in their bags in case of accidents.
  • Named coat
  • Named Wellies for outdoor learning

To Apply

Application forms can be collected from Sunflowers or the school office or it can download below.

Applicants will be advised by email, phone call or post if their application has been successful. Applications are offered on a first come first served basis. Further details are provided on the application form.

Download Application Form Here

To complete on a phone/ tablet/ computer the applicant needs to save the form on to their device, complete the form and then save the completed form again. Then email the form with the supporting documentation to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(Offers are subject to availability of places.)

It should be noted that a place in the nursery class does not automatically guarantee admission to the Primary school.  Parents should refer to the Primary School admissions policy for further advice on applying for a place in Reception.

Key documents: