
Northgate Primary School

Homework Policy Statement



At Northgate Primary we know the children benefit from revisiting learning and they love to share what they have learnt when they return home. We recognise the valuable help parents can give and wish to nurture this and develop motivation in our children through active partnership with parents.


Homework is the opportunity to share activities at home with parents, grandparents and siblings.  Homework is not necessarily in the form of written work.  The activities will help to reinforce and consolidate the child’s learning and may include:

  • Reading – both the child reading and the child being read to
  • Talking – about their reading book, other stories, events, plans, news, school topics etc
  • Sound/Word recognition – practising sight vocabulary, playing games etc
  • Number work – eg learning to recall number facts rapidly
  • Research – using sources of information (books, IT, people) to find out information to use in class

Why we believe homework helps

  • Working at home supports learning.
  • It enhances the learning experiences and helps to improve confidence.
  • It involves parents in their role of partnership with the school.
  • It encourages pupils to become curious and independent learners.
  • It instils positive attitudes which will prepare them for the next stage of their education.
  • It consolidates and reinforces skills and understanding.

School aims to

  • Be clear about what pupils and parents need to do.
  • Treat pupils and parents as partners in their child’s learning.
  • Celebrate and record individual’s achievement.


Expectation for all (Reception to Year 6)

  • Children will read at home a minimum of three times a week.
  • Children will practice spellings/harder to read and spell words weekly.
  • Children from Year 3 up will practise times tables on TTRS a minimum of three times a week.

Additional homework may be set by class teachers and this will be explained to the children and you will be notified by letter, text or MME.

Homework Success

Reading Champions and Time Table Rock Stars will be celebrated and praised in school.

Looked After Children/EAL (English as an Additional Language)/SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

No child who qualifies under one of the above headings will be discriminated against.  These extra needs will be taken into account and consideration be given on an individual basis (through IEP, PEP, PSP, BSP).

Agreed by Staff and Committee: 


Chair of Committee, Mrs P Waters-Bunn